How to Travel with Kids Bikes
Bank holidays make for the perfect opportunity to get out of town and find somewhere new to explore with the family on the bikes.
We understand that having crammed the car full of suitcases, toys, armbands, and enough sunscreen to fill a large paddling pool, you’ll be debating how best to fit the children in – let alone the bikes – but follow our simple guide on how to travel with kids bikes and the only worry you’ll have is why, after the 1000th playthrough, are you starting to think that maybe we should talk about Bruno.
Bike Racks
Storing bikes at home can be tricky enough, but taking them in a car is a whole different challenge! You may not have the best car for carrying bikes, but there are options.
The first question to ask yourself is whether you’re going to be just travelling with kids bikes or whether you’re taking your own too.
It is possible to fit everyone’s bikes in – depending on how big your vehicle is – but if you’re struggling then it might be worth finding a spot local to your destination that hires adult bikes.
There’s generally more option for adult bike hire than kids, and the kids will find it much more enjoyable if they’re on a familiar bike so if it comes down to it leave your bikes behind before you leave the kids’.

When it comes to transporting bikes – whatever the size – there’s some great options out there for on car carrying.
Generally, the two options will be between roof mounted or boot mounted racks, and the decision between the two will often come down to what will best fit your car.
Two of the best brands out there are Thule and Saris (check out the Saris model finder), decide how many bikes you want to carry and what models will fit your car.
TOP TIP: Make sure that the rack you go for will work for the size of kids bike you’ve got – often bikes smaller than 20” will be better carried inside the car.
Car Jenga
If you’re struggling for space in the car for the kids’ bikes, then there are plenty of ways to reduce the size of the bikes.
The easiest of these is to take the front wheel out of the bike, giving you the freedom to stash the wheel between the sun hats and the colouring books.
Taking the front wheel out is an incredibly easy task but if it’s your first time then check out our easy-to-follow guide here. The only thing to be sure of is that you re-clip the front brake when you take the bike out on the other side.
Packing the essentials
There’s nothing worse than finally arriving at your destination following the thousandth round of eye-spy and realising that you’ve forgotten to pack a pump. Follow our list of essentials and you can’t go far wrong:

Car games
We know full well how tough any long car journey can be with little ones, but it becomes even worse when you add into the mix a hot and fully packed car, and excited children that know they’re going on holiday.
So to avoid the worst of any potential attitude failures we’ve compiled a list of some of our favourite games to play in the car.
I-SPY - Everyones favourite needs no explanation
How many yellow cars can you spot? - Why yellow? It's the colour of the sun and what better way to get you in the mood for some outdoor fun
The Story Game - Each person goes around and says a line. We'll start you off: "There once was a little red bike..."
Alphabet Game - Take it in turns to find something beginning with the each letter of the alphabet. (Hopefully B for bike is an easy one!)
Wordsearch - We've got you covered on this one:
6. Spot the difference:
Questions We're Frequently Asked About Travelling with Kids Bikes
Can I rent kids' bikes at my travel destination?
Yes, many travel destinations offer kids' bike rental services, making it convenient to explore the area with your little ones. Before your trip, research bike rental shops at your destination to ensure they have appropriate sizes and types of bikes for children. Some rental shops may even provide helmets and safety gear for kids, giving you peace of mind during your family adventures
What safety precautions should I take when traveling with kids' bikes?
Safety should always be a top priority when traveling with kids' bikes. Before setting off, inspect each bike for any loose parts, check tyre pressure, and ensure brakes are working correctly. Packing essential safety gear such as helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads is a must if you don't plan on renting them later.
How can I ensure my kids' bikes stay secure during travel?
Answer: Keeping kids' bikes secure during travel is essential to prevent theft or damage. When staying at hotels or accommodations, inquire about secure bike storage options or use bike racks provided by the establishment. If camping or staying in a remote area, consider bringing a bike lock to secure the bikes when not in use.
Let Us Know How You Get On!
We hope you're now better prepared to travel with kids bikes. Make sure to tag us in your holiday snaps @jointhebikeclub
Whilst you are here you can also read about our 5 outdoor art activities.